佢無啦啦話你都出嚟, 我直言, "唔想見到佢喎!!"
喂, 真係介意, 所以到今日都真心唔想見到你!
那晚你大可以silent, 你插咩咀?! 請知道一擔心意給你抹殺了, 我好激氣!
唔鍾意, 你可以出聲, 做咩屈我先, 做咩仲要喺一個我唔可以辯釋嘅情況下屈我呀?!
其他人, 唔好再講咩餘情未了!! 我真係頂佢唔順, 收線!
從眉梢中感覺到 從眼角看不到 彷彿已是最直接的裸露
是無力 但 有心暗來明往
給朋友們鬧爆, 鬧爆, 再鬧爆, 鬧到淚落下來
對, 我都鬧爆我自己!
從心出發, 我認為我是隨性不是任性, 背著心的, 做不出來!
“長大啦, 做應該做的事, 唔係想點就點”
不影響人底下, 為何不能想點就點?!!! 又不是放縱自己去做錯的事, 能控制的時候, 我總是有去控制的!!
理性與感性爭戰, 跟本冇得戰, 95%感性win, 縱然失得比較多, 都覺得好自然, 總好過得的多而不由衷不快樂! 我就是這類人!
“咁咪要改囉, 仲細呀? 唔好再俾藉口自己啦!”
對呀, 我不年輕了, 但我不知道怎去改變自己的性格, 更何況我都找不著理由為何要把自己的性格除掉!!
我知道, 越是鬧爆我的, 越是緊張自己的人! 我知道, 換轉發生於其他人身上, 我也一樣會鬧爆佢!
其實, 我不知道怎去回應大家; 其實, 我也不是找藉口; 其實, 我這樣的人究竟怎去處理才可以! 只能夠, 將之擺上禱告, 每天每天.
是無力 但 有心暗來明往
給朋友們鬧爆, 鬧爆, 再鬧爆, 鬧到淚落下來
對, 我都鬧爆我自己!
從心出發, 我認為我是隨性不是任性, 背著心的, 做不出來!
“長大啦, 做應該做的事, 唔係想點就點”
不影響人底下, 為何不能想點就點?!!! 又不是放縱自己去做錯的事, 能控制的時候, 我總是有去控制的!!
理性與感性爭戰, 跟本冇得戰, 95%感性win, 縱然失得比較多, 都覺得好自然, 總好過得的多而不由衷不快樂! 我就是這類人!
“咁咪要改囉, 仲細呀? 唔好再俾藉口自己啦!”
對呀, 我不年輕了, 但我不知道怎去改變自己的性格, 更何況我都找不著理由為何要把自己的性格除掉!!
我知道, 越是鬧爆我的, 越是緊張自己的人! 我知道, 換轉發生於其他人身上, 我也一樣會鬧爆佢!
其實, 我不知道怎去回應大家; 其實, 我也不是找藉口; 其實, 我這樣的人究竟怎去處理才可以! 只能夠, 將之擺上禱告, 每天每天.
i've been yelling for a long time

當她還是鉔著牙, 第一次面對鏡頭
到現在, 躍身成為小天后, 於萬人的場館演唱
但我不禁會有這個想法, 究竟我做過什麼?
i've travelled the places that i should be there 5 yrs ago.
and now, i've been there and the feeling is ... .. .

coincidentally, watched that mv on the last day of the trip, many feelings floated.
i could see the young at17, i could see the places, i could see the production that i really didn't understand!
so, now, it's complicated.
泥土孵出了白鴿 有一臉稚氣 傻到要拍翼前往 那幅殖民地
尋找牠的巴別塔 再不計力氣 飛呀飛 飛呀飛
眺望人海的鞏固大屋 蓋得格外美 忘記了脆弱玫瑰 寄居在何地
"回憶"這奢侈東西 都只好放棄 新建築 這樣美
問雀仔 你要去到哪裡去 到那裡你會再去哪裡
牠足跡只可印在未來 追憶的風景一敲即碎
問雀仔 你要再到哪裡去 去過了哪裡印證過去
至發現燦爛時代隕落時代裡 (最快樂歲月卻沒憑沒據)
回憶可倚靠甚麼 那一隻白鴿 來到這羽翼漸老 對生活疑惑
人間的天荒地老 瞬間已抹煞 失去牠 感慨嗎?
跌落泥土長不了夢想 卻滋養巨塔 難怪這折翼白鴿 要不斷遛躂
曾經想攀登天空 不息的奮發 將記憶 不斷拆
May Love & Peace be with Mandy in Heaven
My fd's wife is passed away. Her age is almost same as mine, leaving a 9-month baby.
Suddenly, death is that close to me!
I don't understand, why God took her life away, but I know God has his plan.
There is a saying that, "Everyone would not die before you've finished your task!"
Yet I don't understand and feel so sorry to my fd, I believe God is the one who rules the world!
ANd He's the one creating Love & Mercy, which is the core element to everyone!
WHen growing up, there are lots of pressure and sufferings you hv to face, meanwhile lots of enjoyment that you can buy for. Easily, life becomes meaningless but looping daily.
pls touch my heart once again, give me the passion on everything.
pls excite me, i dunno where my soul is, that i've been empty for several yrs.
be gentle & mild to ppl,
be peaceful & cheerful!
So now, I'd like to explore more, treasure wht i care, and do wht i like.
and pretty much that, i'd like to express my feeling to my love ones!
way to Stonehenge on coach
Suddenly, death is that close to me!
I don't understand, why God took her life away, but I know God has his plan.
There is a saying that, "Everyone would not die before you've finished your task!"
Yet I don't understand and feel so sorry to my fd, I believe God is the one who rules the world!
ANd He's the one creating Love & Mercy, which is the core element to everyone!
WHen growing up, there are lots of pressure and sufferings you hv to face, meanwhile lots of enjoyment that you can buy for. Easily, life becomes meaningless but looping daily.
pls touch my heart once again, give me the passion on everything.
pls excite me, i dunno where my soul is, that i've been empty for several yrs.
be gentle & mild to ppl,
be peaceful & cheerful!
So now, I'd like to explore more, treasure wht i care, and do wht i like.
and pretty much that, i'd like to express my feeling to my love ones!
way to Stonehenge on coach
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