

好耐冇試過好好咁休息吓, 呢個weekend冇去玩, 真係想認真咁抖吓瞓吓~
唔知係咪做嘢耐咗忙咗累咗, 而家都好少去戲院或者買碟返屋企睇, 呢幾日好想靜吓睇吓碟.

隻碟擺咗幾年, 一直都冇耐性拎出嚟睇, 實在聽咗好耐話呢套戲好睇喇.
Cast 幾吸引喎, 有我喜歡嘅Ben Affleck, The Green Mile嘅大舊黑人, Prison Break2嘅Alex,
仲有Bruce Willis, Owen Wilson, Liv Tyler, 同其他熟口熟面唔知名嘅星~
係幾唔錯, 令我眼濕濕可能都有令你眼濕濕果幕當然係Bruce Willis 自願留低死果一場啦~
"I don't want to miss a thing" 真係好好聽~

今日再去碟舖閒逛, 店內播緊許志安嘅歌, 旋律超熟, 但點解我口up up嘅係英文歌詞呢?
究竟係改編至咩歌嘅咩歌嚟呢? 硬係醒唔起~
囉囉戀返到屋企開電腦, 丫, 我終於知道係咩歌喇, 讀書時識嘅一隊band - Highway, 個主音被邀唱其他band fd作嘅一首歌, 以前我已經好鍾意呢首歌喇, 原來而家俾咗有個叫周柏豪嘅歌手唱咗中文(唔知乜水!而家新人實在太多!), 歌名"同天空", 而許志安又唱咗周柏豪呢首歌~ 但我認為英文版係好聽好多, 歌詞都幾到ga~
"The Alibi"
Stepping out the door learn to live strong
Life must carry on
Is that what she wants what she long for?
And now that she is gone
Open up your eyes
Let go what's left behind
See the world outside Set your ambition high
Finally realize She's gotta get on with brand new life

There's a thousands reasons why Hidden behind
Love is just a game of mind
Does she know why she cries?
Realize It's full of lie
Regretting those days stand by his side
The alibi.....The alibi.

Since that day he stabbed her from behind
Prove why love is blind
Her heart start to bleed but still believe
It's not quite what it seems
Sleeping on the floor
Will she see a bit more
Fallen off the wall
the burden she must afford
so then afterall she gotta find self support

Not bad not good, 但message就好好, 其實我成日都唔係好明, 點解導演係男人可以表達d咁女人嘅嘢?!?! 有幾幕真係睇到心抽搐, 仲要係片尾突然唱出 "每當變幻時"…呼~
楊千嬅唔係做平時戲內嘅楊千嬅, 而我諗係做返現實嘅楊千嬅, 搵佢做, 計啱數但佢發揮未見淋漓;
陳奕迅做得好佬, 做得到, 做得好, 搵佢做, 啱哂數~
朋友突然拜訪, 一齊睇又幾好feel, 傾吓計, fit 哂我今日要hea要relax個mood~

都係果種典典型型舒舒服服美國式嘅愛情小品, 冇咩特別又冇咩唔好睇, Hugh Grant 同Drew Barrymore都係做返定咗型嘅角色而你又唔會唔鍾意睇~
我承認係上星期做嘢聽到新人歌手唱而影響我買呢隻碟嘅, 首歌又係唔錯~ "Way Back Into Love"

咁啱得咁橋, 呢幾套戲都係有theme song!
咁啱得咁橋, 今日寫嘅嘢同今集節目新format有d似!
就係咁啱得咁橋, hey listen to me~
"I don't want to miss a thing"
"The Alibi"
"Way Back Into Love"
