
Find Me A Boy by francoise hardy

滄海遺珠, 好聽~

so many friends that I happen to see
have been steadily falling in love
oh how I wish it could happen to me
and I'm asking the stars up above

won't you find me a boy, just a nice looking boy
who will show me the way, who will teach me to say
"I love you, yes I do", and who'll promise me too
that he'll always be true, so that I'll never be blue

I just wish for a gentle boy
someone who's sweet and kind
just a nice sentimental boy
that's all that I'm really longing to find

so many friends that I happen to see
have been telling me all about love
oh how I wish it could happen to me
is the only thing I'm thinking of

so I'll find me a boy, just a nice looking boy
who will show me the way, who will teach me to say
"I love you, yes I do", and who'll promise me too
that he'll always be true, so that I'll never be blue

so I'll find me a boy, just a nice looking boy
who will show me the way, who will teach me to say
"I love you, yes I do", and who'll promise me too
that he'll always be true, so that I'll never be blue


算 ─ 本意是計數
但當單一個字用起來呢, 意思又恰好好像相反了! 卻是算數的意思~
頗為奇怪吧, 算數這詞彙就變得更為矛盾....
辜勿論是"算"抑或是"算", 都不是一件容易的事....對嗎?

留低, 離開, 明明就是相反的意思嘛!!!!


紫瑩呀紫瑩, 算...吧啦!!!



多久沒有這一種深的感受, 對事物大概都變得很大概..
我好喜歡喜歡很多人和事, 不太會厭惡有關男朋友以外的各樣小事情, 這, 是我的從前.

尚算慶幸的, 是肯定還有一點沒有變: 我要去幹喜歡的, 不會跟我不喜歡的妥協!
這多麼是一個不是做大事的作風, 也是一個不成熟的表現;
然而卻發現這缺點卻是我最剛烈的一面, 並存在我底蘊裡其實是溫柔的心內!
(我知這樣說實在很難頂, “斯文”我一點都對不上, 但你不會知我自己知, 我本質真的好溫柔架!)

今日午餐的時候, 跟同事無聊的說起結婚生子. 從前想著這個年紀, 應該將要結婚了, 現在想著這個年紀, 應該是要拍拖了; 再想想工作的方面, 晤…從前的我應該會對現在的我失望了~

也許, 再多過一些年月, 我再跟著妥協的時候, 我性格最剛烈的一面都不復再了!
所以, 今天, 我紀錄低這麼的一天!


生活不應該是這樣! 工作不應該是這樣! 但係點解...

發脾氣呀我.... (對不起路過的湯咪!)

我好想知, 係我有問題能力不繼, 定係跟本又係做緊一個人做唔哂o既野??

早兩日就話俾人激親, 硬食通頂做左一壇props野, 發了尚算有道理的脾氣, 都仲算平衡到!
但係今日, 我好有野!!!!

點好, 點好, 點算好..........

返到屋企電視做緊"4大天王", suddenly i remember the time i watched this in the theatre in movie festival, where is my life now? where is me now??
i haven't forgot how depressing my old days were, at least i still had time to entertain myself...
i need some refreshment!!! I NEED SOME REFRESHMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



今日放左一日假, 人都開心哂!
雖然仍要做公司野, 但係唔洗返公司又做到想做好耐的事, 包括入票同買電話, 感到好爽~

文迪同j臣陪我睇"my blueberry nights", 中途我訓著左(深層的我真係好累...), 都幾鍾意呢套戲, 唔係好王家衛, 因為好白, 不過我反而鍾意, 個msg唔錯, 雖然都係 d 陳腔濫調, 但若你係中左果一group人就喜歡norah jones的角色~
喜歡, 真係唔需要原因, 唔喜歡都係可以唔需要任何原因! 我喜歡佢同 jude law 果part!

戲畢我們原先想著去paris食個blueberry pie, 聽起來挺浪漫也完滿, 不過因我走了入百老匯買電話壞了好事~
文迪j臣, sorry!

買電話, 洗掉了一切msg, 收件夾竟然有成4百幾個msg! 我不有任何感覺, 因我不再望回頭! 只做自己開心的事~

回家後, 收到一通不常夜媽媽有的來電, 頗為高興=p



預計之中今日會收到一通電話, 但內容卻是預計之外有驚有喜!
坦白說有點煩擾, 亂了計劃!
交托給神為我預備, 要成就的終必成就!

知道那一刻你真係好開心, 我都好開心呀!
K先生, thAnks X 2 !

Close to you

那music under是莫文蔚唱的, 耳朵立時被吸引住, 這是我頭一次聽Close To You. 係o係戲院睇緊"夕陽天使".
返屋企search原唱原來係The Carpenters!
今日拍林凡, 場內播著我喜歡的The Cranberries - Linger已經好有mood! 然後佢又再翻唱Close To You, 都好好聽~ 我拎住杯紅酒, 好碎的畫面係咁飛, 竟然全都是你!?!?!!!

Why do birds suddenly appear
Every time you are near?
Just like me, they long to be
Close to you.

Why do stars fall down from the sky
Every time you walk by?
Just like me, they long to be
Close to you.

On the day that you were born
The angels got together
And decided to create a dream come true
So they sprinkled moon dust in your hair of gold
And starlight in your eyes of blue.

That is why all the girls in town
Follow you all around.
Just like me, they long to be
Close to you.

On the day that you were born
The angels got together
And decided to create a dream come true
So they sprinkled moon dust in your hair of gold
And starlight in your eyes of blue.

That is why all the girls in town
Follow you all around.
Just like me, they long to be
Close to you.
Just like me (Just like me)
They long to be
Close to you.



網誌分類:短記 | 網誌日期:2007-12-05 00:13
紫瑩, 紫瑩, 好耐無見你了, 這個星期天會否見到你呢, 知道你工作忙碌, 但無論如何, 要好好分配時間呀, PS: 我有為你代禱的.

知道朋友們的掛心, 我感動了!!!!