
大年初 I 至 大年初 V

年廿九做了廿九個鐘, 好, 終於可以得到一個幸福的假期!!!!

年初一至四: 好喜樂~
氣氛沒怎麼的, 因沒做什麼例行事, 亦因為想抖抖, 沒有計劃去哪裡玩什麼好, 好輕鬆地將公私事分開哂, 可以話真真正正忙完了, 享受屬於自己的假期, 正~
刻意沒有約人, 除了拜年, 其他的完全隨心所欲~
拜左兩個年食左個浦飛, 返左一日南丫島尋根, tea with nick, @time sq順時針繞了三圈桃花樹, shopping大了出血, 打左一次牌, 玩左一晚啤, 飲左晚啤, 返左次church, tea with amy & her new man~ (Thx Amy, your story inspired me to apply “Don't think too much!” and it works!)
遺憾還是有的: 未剪頭髮, 未買得鞋, 未睇DVD, 未食蛇羹, 未訓一個二十四小時的覺~

初五: 開工!
穿了一雙紅色的高跟鞋應應節, 穿高跟返工實在難得~
今年真的感覺人大了而不好意思去豆任何一封利是, 但20位善長, 多謝你們資助我的夏季裝置大了出血籌募大行動, 再次恭喜各位發大財, 身體健康, 好心得好報~
事情終於完結, 一切說清楚, 消了煩惱~ 我會俾心機做埋該做的事!
被監製問及星期四會唔會去街, 因我有夜期, 若去的話跟她說聲便可以了~ 我奇怪她為何這樣問的時候才醒起星期四是情人節, 看來我要趕快約個人我便可以提早收工 =p 監製的意思我明白了, 太遲了, 不過我還是多謝~

" It's going to loop again, although the situations are not the same... I'd rather step back, again!"
but then it was suddenly interrupted, I was pleased but not expected any!

I don't want it happen like that, but what you can control to change the unwanted situation?
Human being is too small and weak to do anything.
So, I'd try to accept it rather than endure it this time. Please give me applause! For me, it's not easy! And so I have to applaud to God, that he listened to my prayer and give me strength to carry me through!
