

Went thou' a super busy week, loads of office work, 17, and stuff for the trip, everything messed up!
Sorry to everyone next to me, i was in a bad temper as I slept only 2-4 hrs a day. I wanna do my best, but there is only one rehearsal before show, okay, I've tried my very best anyway!

After all, I was sooooo happy! Yeah yeah yeah!!! My vacation is coming!!!!!!!
I was happy that you are with me sharing my happy moment, as well as the sudden sad news! I can't think of any excuse, I was too weak and need you truly.
That was a wonderful night, under ManU vs Tott 5:2, it was exciting and we were warmly sat aside. Quite surprised that u did remember I wanna watch that exhibition, surprised also that u had counted how long we haven't met. u shared a lot, showed your sweetness. Maybe all of these were pretended, i know we felt nice last night.
"I Don't Love You Anyway" crazily good!
Thanks God for giving me strength!



據消息人士透露, 竟然案中有案! 以免越描越黑, 唯有緘默!
咁齊腳, 打麻雀?
爛桃花共冶一爐, 咁要咩湯底丫?!!
啞子唯有吃黃蓮 . . . . .


@ 2nd half

loads of unhappiness > Drunk > Angry > i gone crazy !

被利用, 被誤解, 被看輕, 被忽略, 被玩弄
這個是我喝醉的原因, 不過, 想不到, 我發起巔來
sOrry and thAnks to Den, SiuSun, CHung, Kwong, FeiCheung, Hei!!!


year plan

三月shuup一聲就冇咗! 快到過咗都唔知!!!
冇做到一件year plan嘅事, 不過就好開心, 睇咗《你咪理,我愛你,死未?》同 coldplay Viva La Vida live in Hong Kong !! 仲睇到一個人原來係咁!!!
2009年, 仲有9個月!


WALL-E x 七百年後

Eason H3M, 冇驚喜... 全碟好似係一首歌, anyway, 聽開eason, 都係會繼續聽.
但<七百年後>wall E 版,讚! 懷疑林若寧係睇住wall-E作詞, 不過話唔係喎!
我唔算鍾意wall E同<七百年後>, 但兩者相遇出奇地好, 多得有心人!

