
fireworks and i

其實, 當煙火在空中璀璨時, 我暗自也對自己說過這麼一句!

朋友, 你們都愛錫我, 我是知道的!
但, 寂寞的時候, 總是要一個人去面對!
信念不變, 努力生活中!!

learning to accept
with an empty belly
trying not to blame
but what if you were me



感謝神聽禱告, 我可做回自已~

是! 要做該做的事!
但, 不代表, 我想了別處!
只是, 我不能再坐以待斃, 或是坐井觀天, 我是有我該做的事! 你明白也好, 不明白也好, 我也盡了力!
公道點, 我明白也好, 不明白也好, 我都要幹活!
要是你開口問, 還是開口約, 抑或是實際點行動, 我都很願意, 推遲一切去附和!
然而, 對空氣所問的, 不是問題, 不是邀請, 不是尊重!

今天, 有人很不喜歡我鮮粉紅色的指甲~ 雖然, 我沒什麼, 但, 總暗暗的高興了好一會兒~ Damn this guy can make me smile ~~~ 多謝你, 除此以外, 其實, 我真的再沒什麼~~ 然後, 我衷心的衷心的向一個人說, 對不起!



想行前, 想退後, 想見面, 想溝通
然而, 靜默了

講不出聲都說了, 餘下來, 我不能好好的定位
請發問, 請說話, 請離開, 請關心, 就請別靜觀其變
我, 不太好, 但也, 不太差, 不要再這樣下去吧, 別再裝, 你知道我並不喜歡這樣!

誰怪我一聲發問後而打破了明明前進的路軌, 可是我沒後悔, 要爆的時候是要爆的, 英文 timing 這字多實用~


keep work hard, but don't push yourself too hard!

變得軟弱了, 請別怪我!!

"how about u? r u in love with someone?"
是給發覺了嗎?!?! Anyway, NO is my answer~

只能專心工作, 因將忙到嘔的兩星期, 我要努力! 我要加油!
誰先出走還未知道, 要是那個是我, 或許可能好一點~



最後, 自問我真係講唔出口, 可能你都係.
最後既最後, 拎住個電話, 表面上, 冇野講過, 事實上, 講哂所有野, 明哂!! 幾咁奇怪~
我信你, 我明白你講咩, 我認同你, 不過我唔喜歡你呢個態度~
點都好, 終於鬆一口氣! 勁多謝身邊的朋友!!!!! Dun worry, I'm so fine now~

If you, if you could return, don't let it burn, don't let it fade.
I'm sure I'm not being rude, but it's just your attitude,
It's tearing me apart, It's ruining everything.
I swore, I swore I would be true, and honey, so did you.
So why were you holding her hand? Is that the way we stand?
Were you lying all the time? Was it just a game to you?

But I'm in so deep. You know I'm such a fool for you.
You got me wrapped around your finger, ah, ha, ha.
Do you have to let it linger? Do you have to, do you have to,
Do you have to let it linger?

Oh, I thought the world of you.
I thought nothing could go wrong,
But I was wrong. I was wrong.
If you, if you could get by, trying not to lie,
Things wouldn't be so confused and I wouldn't feel so used,
But you always really knew, I just wanna be with you.

But I'm in so deep. You know I'm such a fool for you.
You got me wrapped around your finger, ah, ha, ha.
Do you have to let it linger? Do you have to, do you have to,
Do you have to let it linger?




累, 心很累!


今天抓狂了, 很需要一個擁抱, 想狂嚎, 我要呼叫, 可惜, 我一聲也沒哼, 身邊一個人也沒有! 你們都不用返工的嗎??
工作變得孤單, 是我還未慣的時候, 今天, 驚嚇的事一件接一件, 即是兩件! 想做好一點, 可是, 心情最近是很有問題, 可是, 實在太驚嚇了, 我只可能盡力做好, 一同加油吧, 唉.....

我很壞, 回家的時候他們都睡了! 可早一點回去的時候, 拿著鑰匙那刻, 我變了笑臉扭下去, 原來, 很花力氣! 好想, 帶給你們一下安慰~
爸呀媽呀, 怎樣去讓你們知道我和哥哥都愛你?
說到這裡想哭了... 事實我太需要支援了...


Don't Write Me Off

聲音越來越多, 失落.
沖個涼, 停一停, 諗一諗, 我信愛! 我決意相信你, 憑我所感覺, 你不是壞人!
不過, 人有尊嚴, 這個已是我的底線了. 反正故事將很快結束!
點解給你抓住, 大概同呢首歌感覺差唔多

Don't Write Me Off, Hugh Grant

It's never been easy for me
To find words to go along, with a melody
But this time there's actually something, on my mind
So please forgive these few brief awkward lines

Since I've met you, my whole life has changed
It's not just my furniture, you've rearranged
I was living in the past, but somehow you've brought me back
And I haven't felt like this since before Frankie said relax

And while I know, based on my track record
I might not seem like the safest bet
All I'm asking you, is don't write me off, just yet

For years I've been telling myself, the same old story
That I'm happy to live off my so called, former glories
But you've given me a reason, to take another chance
Now I need you, despite the fact, that you've killed all my plants

And though I know, I've already blown more chances
Than anyone should ever get
All I'm asking you, is don't write me off, just yet
Don't write me off just yet

很久沒有醉得這樣兇, Sorry & Thanks to Tracy and her fd, Yim last night !!!!!
再停一停, 諗一諗, 愛, 並唔係咁! 真係唔係咁! 好, 我收皮!!!