好想跟你旅遊, 無論只是空想X'mas能於London Eye下ice-skating定係上年真係o係巴黎鐵塔, 抑或係剛剛一齊飛, 都好想攬住你.
大概你不知道, 每次當你以為我陶醉在你的唇時, 其實我是被你的熊抱醉倒了!! 醉得澎湃, 醉得洶湧, 不顧一切!
大概我也不知道, 我被醉倒的是源自你, 還只是那種有靈無型的擁抱!
大概你不知道, 每次當你以為我陶醉在你的唇時, 其實我是被你的熊抱醉倒了!! 醉得澎湃, 醉得洶湧, 不顧一切!
大概我也不知道, 我被醉倒的是源自你, 還只是那種有靈無型的擁抱!
醉了, 迷糊了, 熱情帶動了, 我愛的, 是否真的愛了吧?!
是! 愛的! 又不到底! 接近迷戀! 其實跟你的自私沒兩樣!
清醒了不敢相信, 是真的, 發生了, 就有點像, 第一次約會一樣, 不知不覺的發生, 後知後覺的精彩!
這次倒不能用精彩來形容, 卻是跟那次約會一樣, 不知怎的發生了然後心情呯ling澎lan!
見面 又卻是 這樣 那麼 平靜! how come, 真係好想知中文係乜?
清醒了不敢相信, 是真的, 發生了, 就有點像, 第一次約會一樣, 不知不覺的發生, 後知後覺的精彩!
這次倒不能用精彩來形容, 卻是跟那次約會一樣, 不知怎的發生了然後心情呯ling澎lan!
見面 又卻是 這樣 那麼 平靜! how come, 真係好想知中文係乜?
習慣了過於隨性, 然而這絕對是生平以來最任性的一次!
幸好, 一切還好, 真的還好! 升呢, 雪泥, 你聽過沒有?
滑雪要靠美好姿勢 憑自信擦過深處爛泥
然後雪崩了 是否不甘心跌低
沒法接受我的不濟 難道不需安慰
從前助我馳騁的雪橇 不如放低
何苦靠苦笑呈強 人需要哭要自量
承認這是我 讓我為我鼓掌
從來不怨命 唯一要認 哭到盡頭換來受傷的本領
沉痛使我 完全了解我 愉快未有保證
明明不冷靜 何必鎮定 給我自由在何時任性
軟弱到要崩潰才能 重新堅強 強在我 自知不會必勝
泥污有飄雪埋藏 河水轉彎會泛浪
誰又老練到 連淚腺亦已枯乾
從來不怨命 只要認 哭到盡頭換來受傷的本領
憑這本領 泥濘裡再打拼 白雪幻滅更清醒
強裝冷靜 才不冷靜 給我自由在何時任性
軟弱到要崩潰才能 重新堅強 強在我 忠於我本性
然後雪崩了 是否不甘心跌低
沒法接受我的不濟 難道不需安慰
從前助我馳騁的雪橇 不如放低
何苦靠苦笑呈強 人需要哭要自量
承認這是我 讓我為我鼓掌
從來不怨命 唯一要認 哭到盡頭換來受傷的本領
沉痛使我 完全了解我 愉快未有保證
明明不冷靜 何必鎮定 給我自由在何時任性
軟弱到要崩潰才能 重新堅強 強在我 自知不會必勝
泥污有飄雪埋藏 河水轉彎會泛浪
誰又老練到 連淚腺亦已枯乾
從來不怨命 只要認 哭到盡頭換來受傷的本領
憑這本領 泥濘裡再打拼 白雪幻滅更清醒
強裝冷靜 才不冷靜 給我自由在何時任性
軟弱到要崩潰才能 重新堅強 強在我 忠於我本性
i was intentionly to drink with you and to be casual last nite
happy moment n nice talking, which disappeared long ago. i was touched by ur warm and supportive sweety hugs! just let the emotion go and enjoy the time, meanwhile i thought nth. nth means nth, i just kept drinking the happy wine with no worry, i mean NONE!
i was wing, but not drunk, definitely i can control it but i let it be. totally enjoy and things then go smoothly, without any embarrassment!!!
hey baby, u surprised me, oppositely! surprisingly it happens, and nth happens while it's happening!!! i doubted!!! how come!!! am i so shit in front of the shitty one?! or any other reasons it may be. i truly can't understand and millions of Why Oh Why!!!
the bubble bursts!!!! the fantasy gone!!!
afterall, it's kind of relief somehow!!! ridiculous!!!!
i know i was wrong, but seems like wrong thing turns me back to the right track!!!! unbelieveable!!! complicated and it is!!!!
how come i come to this?! okie okay, i admit that finally i turn to be the one u model which this is not the real me but the now me! i'm disappointed by myself, however the relief happening contradicts!!!
thanks to the another me in the world! u disclosed me the truth underneath, or sth i hid. and u mildly forced me to face my intention which i couldn't admit it for long, and u surprisingly understand me, to reach somewhere i don't know!!!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
It's oh so quiet
It's oh so still
You're all alone
And so peaceful until...
You fall in love
Zing boom
The sky up above
Zing boom
Is caving in
Wow bam
you've never been so nuts about a guy
You wanna laugh you wanna cry
You cross your heart and hope to die
Til it's over and then
Its nice and quiet
But soon again
Starts another big riot!!
You blow a fuse
Zing boom
the devil cuts loose
Zing boom
So what's the use
Wow bam
Of falling in love
Its oh so quiet
Its oh so still
You're all alone
And so peaceful until...
You ring the bell
Bim ban
You shout and you yell
Hi ho ho
You broke the spell
Gee, this is swell you almost have a fit
This guy is "gorge" and I got hit
There's no mistake this is it
Til it's over and then...
Its nice and quiet
But soon again
Starts another big riot!!
You blow a fuse
zing boom
The devil cuts loose
Zing boom
What's the use
Wow bam
Of falling in love
The sky caves in
The devil cuts loose
You blow blow blow blow blow your fuse
When You've fallen in love
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
this is the theme song of my blog actually frankly, am i that much into u? i dunno!
happy moment n nice talking, which disappeared long ago. i was touched by ur warm and supportive sweety hugs! just let the emotion go and enjoy the time, meanwhile i thought nth. nth means nth, i just kept drinking the happy wine with no worry, i mean NONE!
i was wing, but not drunk, definitely i can control it but i let it be. totally enjoy and things then go smoothly, without any embarrassment!!!
hey baby, u surprised me, oppositely! surprisingly it happens, and nth happens while it's happening!!! i doubted!!! how come!!! am i so shit in front of the shitty one?! or any other reasons it may be. i truly can't understand and millions of Why Oh Why!!!
the bubble bursts!!!! the fantasy gone!!!
afterall, it's kind of relief somehow!!! ridiculous!!!!
i know i was wrong, but seems like wrong thing turns me back to the right track!!!! unbelieveable!!! complicated and it is!!!!
how come i come to this?! okie okay, i admit that finally i turn to be the one u model which this is not the real me but the now me! i'm disappointed by myself, however the relief happening contradicts!!!
thanks to the another me in the world! u disclosed me the truth underneath, or sth i hid. and u mildly forced me to face my intention which i couldn't admit it for long, and u surprisingly understand me, to reach somewhere i don't know!!!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
It's oh so quiet
It's oh so still
You're all alone
And so peaceful until...
You fall in love
Zing boom
The sky up above
Zing boom
Is caving in
Wow bam
you've never been so nuts about a guy
You wanna laugh you wanna cry
You cross your heart and hope to die
Til it's over and then
Its nice and quiet
But soon again
Starts another big riot!!
You blow a fuse
Zing boom
the devil cuts loose
Zing boom
So what's the use
Wow bam
Of falling in love
Its oh so quiet
Its oh so still
You're all alone
And so peaceful until...
You ring the bell
Bim ban
You shout and you yell
Hi ho ho
You broke the spell
Gee, this is swell you almost have a fit
This guy is "gorge" and I got hit
There's no mistake this is it
Til it's over and then...
Its nice and quiet
But soon again
Starts another big riot!!
You blow a fuse
zing boom
The devil cuts loose
Zing boom
What's the use
Wow bam
Of falling in love
The sky caves in
The devil cuts loose
You blow blow blow blow blow your fuse
When You've fallen in love
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
this is the theme song of my blog actually frankly, am i that much into u? i dunno!
俾 墊 . 飛 汪
說過不要再提, 但, 也好, 不抖動. 一切還很平靜, 只是, 處理得, 不太好.
牽著手, 該是牽得最長的一次
牽著手, 該是牽得最長的一次
往機場的計程車, 零晨五時
天還在黑, 我們靜默. 有點浪漫, 有一點moody
我沒有想太多, 只想眠一眠
我沒有想太多, 只想眠一眠
除了, 遇到氣流時, 好想你就在身邊我可有手臂抓抓
其他的requests, 恕我無勇氣再繼續
baby, i'd like to hv a big hug instead of a touch of kiss
ICE, thanks a lot!!!
催眠 / 人間 / 香奈兒
我一路都喜歡wymen字與詞的型, 但係我真係鍾意林夕!
其他的requests, 恕我無勇氣再繼續
baby, i'd like to hv a big hug instead of a touch of kiss
ICE, thanks a lot!!!
催眠 / 人間 / 香奈兒
我一路都喜歡wymen字與詞的型, 但係我真係鍾意林夕!
不過呢首唔係林夕, 但係好正
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