
to have but not to hold

我很喜歡喝酒, 喜歡到, 大概我不知道醉不知道什麼時候
喜歡這種感覺, 喜歡到每日都不能不喝
變成習慣, 習慣到身體不知不覺不太健康, 繼而不知不覺意識到這樣不好, 也不願拋低這個我會形容為醜陋的習慣, 也記不起是什麼時候開始越喝越兇

最近喜歡喝上了一枝sweet wine, i like it!
eagar to hv it
tasting it
after it
and u'll miss it!
it is so nice to hv it all, throughout the wine, throughout the process~ the mood is wonderful~ so nice and do really nice.
but i love to have this sweet wine alone! this is not the wine to share or during talking or bullshitting!

i had it tonite, during watching the movie 愛你愛到殺死你
this is the nite i was soooo happy, since i hv gotten out of a big job which i really wanna escape from it. thank god that using this solution to get me through, and out of it, and to the process i did work on!!!! after all, i tasted this sweet wine, soooo nice!!!!!

this movie flashed me back. i like it, as well as the theme song. (不得了, 原來又係林夕)
i remember everyone of you. everyone i loved and loved me. every scene upsetting, every scene i upset someone. do surprised to recognize that the song is always my song when i had been going through these. flashing back!!! and looking forward!!!

tonight, thx joey so much! i had a heartful smile all the times which haven't been wore on my face for a long long time!!!
thank god! i have to be thankful and be a good girl again!!!!
