長車程以來睡不好, 車內沒事可做時不受控地腦交戰, 想得太多, 但肯定的是失落期再次出現!
剛才在看 "點滴是生命-甘肅平涼篇", 類似宣明會那種募捐節目, 這種節目當然是有幾煽情得幾煽情, 我又跟著主持人哭了, 但事實上, 無論製作人員怎刻意煽情也好, 那裡生活的人只會比鏡頭所見的更悲涼~
鼻子發酸, 心裡悲慟,
雖然我又再一次跌入失落的空間, 但其實我很幸福,
我喝的水不含青蛙卵的, 我能走, 我雙眼能看!
這種節目end tag通常都會有句老土句子:
我們活在同一個天空下, 為何生活的差別這樣大?
係呢, 點解??
神呀, 求你幫助他們!
時而細心, 時而粗心, 所以忽爾感動忽爾失落, 弄得我不知怎的跟你相處.
然而, 我給你的反應也是一樣嗎?
來不及給你這第一次這第一下動作而反應, 這一種的照料是什麼意思?? 並肩走過一段路, 但會否繼續同行下去? 也是第一次聽你說出一些深層的往事, 雖然只是話題剛好觸踫到, 但卻讓我知道你原來比我想像的好!
喜歡聽你的意見, 其實, 很喜歡聽你才對! 你的意見好讓我有另一個觀點!!
kurt, 你說你一接到消息便即致電我, 我感受到那份緊張及好意,
感動了, 我是說真的!
j j, 也謝過你的關心!
然而, 我給你的反應也是一樣嗎?
來不及給你這第一次這第一下動作而反應, 這一種的照料是什麼意思?? 並肩走過一段路, 但會否繼續同行下去? 也是第一次聽你說出一些深層的往事, 雖然只是話題剛好觸踫到, 但卻讓我知道你原來比我想像的好!
喜歡聽你的意見, 其實, 很喜歡聽你才對! 你的意見好讓我有另一個觀點!!
kurt, 你說你一接到消息便即致電我, 我感受到那份緊張及好意,
感動了, 我是說真的!
j j, 也謝過你的關心!
孤單的感覺推到最高, 掛念的情緒也升到至上
事件一: 如題.....
事件二: 今晚有個聚舊邊爐宴
好開心, 因為新工以來第一次可抽到時間跟朋友聚餐, 更是一個老朋友的相會, 很是難得!!!
中三認識, 曾經親蜜像家人一樣的老朋友!!!!!
更令我稱奇是, 我與ex相隔差不多三年的相見!!
一路都不想與你見面, 原因是我不想感覺奇怪, 但自問心裡已經處理好的時候, 確實不應因著這個原因而缺席這個難得的聚會!
你沒有變, 只是六舊腹肌合了體, haha~~
朋友, 我不曉得我們還會怎樣的維繫下去, 因各有各忙而怎樣都不會像從前的來往及親蜜! 不過, 我知道, 縱然我們不能有從前的那樣, 但我感受到這種情在我們每個人的心裡, 地位是肯定及被肯定的!
事件二: 今晚有個聚舊邊爐宴
好開心, 因為新工以來第一次可抽到時間跟朋友聚餐, 更是一個老朋友的相會, 很是難得!!!
中三認識, 曾經親蜜像家人一樣的老朋友!!!!!
更令我稱奇是, 我與ex相隔差不多三年的相見!!
一路都不想與你見面, 原因是我不想感覺奇怪, 但自問心裡已經處理好的時候, 確實不應因著這個原因而缺席這個難得的聚會!
你沒有變, 只是六舊腹肌合了體, haha~~
朋友, 我不曉得我們還會怎樣的維繫下去, 因各有各忙而怎樣都不會像從前的來往及親蜜! 不過, 我知道, 縱然我們不能有從前的那樣, 但我感受到這種情在我們每個人的心裡, 地位是肯定及被肯定的!
Star Light容祖兒演唱會08 Part 2
無啦啦今晚走左去睇容祖兒, 估都估唔到, 竟然出奇咁好睇!
唱歌好聽梗o架啦, 而唱都係唱d冇驚喜既三類歌:
(1) k歌: 例如 痛愛, 逃避你,誰來愛我
(2) 抒情歌: 即係 我的驕傲 果d啦
(3) 勁歌: 隆重登場, 全身暑假, 越唱越強 咁啦
冇驚喜咁好睇在邊呢? 就係熱舞同埋所配合既lighting, 真係好勁, 好似disco咁!! 估唔到佢可跳得咁勁, 打哂筋斗跳上跳落飛來飛去仲keep住唱到, 犀利!!!
最後一場, crazy的氣氛由頭帶到尾, 一en再core~ 雖然話容祖兒d歌好commercial, 但係聽落首首都真係好聽喎!!
可能只係你舉手之勞, 不過都唔係好解得通!
若果我大十年, 又或者你細十年, 我仲以為你鍾意我添呀!! 都唔知點多謝你, 下次請你食飯啦~
有壓力的, 不知所措的, 緊張的, 迫切的, 孤單的, 左右為難的, 獨個兒oversea的, 危險的, 一個人做五個人的, 連續忙得沒休息的, 被咆哮的, 被擺上檯的, 被迫的, 要去處理及嘗試控制能力以外的(呢句寫出黎文法都有問題啦, 但真係咁!!!)
然而這一次, 不屬於上述任何一種, 但我真的不能了…
無啦啦今晚走左去睇容祖兒, 估都估唔到, 竟然出奇咁好睇!
唱歌好聽梗o架啦, 而唱都係唱d冇驚喜既三類歌:
(1) k歌: 例如 痛愛, 逃避你,誰來愛我
(2) 抒情歌: 即係 我的驕傲 果d啦
(3) 勁歌: 隆重登場, 全身暑假, 越唱越強 咁啦
冇驚喜咁好睇在邊呢? 就係熱舞同埋所配合既lighting, 真係好勁, 好似disco咁!! 估唔到佢可跳得咁勁, 打哂筋斗跳上跳落飛來飛去仲keep住唱到, 犀利!!!
最後一場, crazy的氣氛由頭帶到尾, 一en再core~ 雖然話容祖兒d歌好commercial, 但係聽落首首都真係好聽喎!!
可能只係你舉手之勞, 不過都唔係好解得通!
若果我大十年, 又或者你細十年, 我仲以為你鍾意我添呀!! 都唔知點多謝你, 下次請你食飯啦~
有壓力的, 不知所措的, 緊張的, 迫切的, 孤單的, 左右為難的, 獨個兒oversea的, 危險的, 一個人做五個人的, 連續忙得沒休息的, 被咆哮的, 被擺上檯的, 被迫的, 要去處理及嘗試控制能力以外的(呢句寫出黎文法都有問題啦, 但真係咁!!!)
然而這一次, 不屬於上述任何一種, 但我真的不能了…
a long BIG thanks!
I had a very bad feeling of my first day working yesterday.
Today, thank God listens my prayer to let me learn a lot and give me good memory to remember. I have to handle an urgent task tmr, God, pls give me wisdom to overcome!
Eric wu: you're the first one to guide me, so gave me an initial comfort~ Thanks for all meal company
Ah den: you're the one treated me the worst and the best! Thanks for all cares to me~
Eva: Thanks for your respect when I was totally ignored! Thanks also for the blame as a reminder of mine to be careful even in super busy moments.
Wah: thanks for your father-like guidance, giving me opportunities, understanding and supports
Noyus: thanks for letting me handle lots of things, as well as your appreciation!
Jacky仔 & Helen: thanks for your guidance
堅: very happy to meet you, i'm pleased by our mutual support!
Roland: thanks for your scold-like reminder at first and the sharing at last, so happy to work with you
豆腐: thanks for your casual communication, squabbles, and empathy!! =P
Stanley: can't imagine how sweet u are, thanks for your supports!
何廣賢: Such a good lunch/tea partner!
小新: thanks for making me happy always!
Chung: thanks for your encouraging smile~
Eric fown: thanks for giving me opportunity in the very beginning.
翼: thanks for looking for me with no clue in TST at my drunk new year night
Jason: thanks for being touched by my "what's love"
佐治: ^__^
Mandy: thanks for your guidance, cares, and hugs whenever I need !!
Kurt: thanks for your guidance, company, and listened to my roars!!
Vicky: no need to say any, your kindness and help are countless!!!!
Carol: you're soooo kind too, I'll take the X'mas monkey to my new working place!
寶寶&宇: thanks for your kindness, respect and the protection!
Lorrain: thanks for your help when I was totally helpless in the urgent moment!
毛筆人: Definitely thanks for your calligraphy!
小霖/Matt/Terence/賓賓/Fion/林仔: thanks!
華姐: thanks for a very supportive saying in the very beginning! And the cares later!
Crews: thanks for all kindness and cares!
Editors/Props/Setting/Graphics/VT/library/TX library/subtitles/S&P/OAP: thank you!
Thanks for祈& Ta of welcoming breakfast, lunch and calls!
This is the second time I was picked out from a happy place by Tony!! The decision is even hard to make this time as I had a very bad expenience last time, and becoz, I was soooooo reluctant to leave cable when the situation had been changed at last!!!!!
Frankly, 3 days are not enough for me to unload cable stuff where I put my heart into!
Anyway, I have to move on, you all warm my heart and becomes a great solace to me while I'm lonely and weak here!!
Maybe here is my last battle field ga la...
Today, thank God listens my prayer to let me learn a lot and give me good memory to remember. I have to handle an urgent task tmr, God, pls give me wisdom to overcome!
Eric wu: you're the first one to guide me, so gave me an initial comfort~ Thanks for all meal company
Ah den: you're the one treated me the worst and the best! Thanks for all cares to me~
Eva: Thanks for your respect when I was totally ignored! Thanks also for the blame as a reminder of mine to be careful even in super busy moments.
Wah: thanks for your father-like guidance, giving me opportunities, understanding and supports
Noyus: thanks for letting me handle lots of things, as well as your appreciation!
Jacky仔 & Helen: thanks for your guidance
堅: very happy to meet you, i'm pleased by our mutual support!
Roland: thanks for your scold-like reminder at first and the sharing at last, so happy to work with you
豆腐: thanks for your casual communication, squabbles, and empathy!! =P
Stanley: can't imagine how sweet u are, thanks for your supports!
何廣賢: Such a good lunch/tea partner!
小新: thanks for making me happy always!
Chung: thanks for your encouraging smile~
Eric fown: thanks for giving me opportunity in the very beginning.
翼: thanks for looking for me with no clue in TST at my drunk new year night
Jason: thanks for being touched by my "what's love"
佐治: ^__^
Mandy: thanks for your guidance, cares, and hugs whenever I need !!
Kurt: thanks for your guidance, company, and listened to my roars!!
Vicky: no need to say any, your kindness and help are countless!!!!
Carol: you're soooo kind too, I'll take the X'mas monkey to my new working place!
寶寶&宇: thanks for your kindness, respect and the protection!
Lorrain: thanks for your help when I was totally helpless in the urgent moment!
毛筆人: Definitely thanks for your calligraphy!
小霖/Matt/Terence/賓賓/Fion/林仔: thanks!
華姐: thanks for a very supportive saying in the very beginning! And the cares later!
Crews: thanks for all kindness and cares!
Editors/Props/Setting/Graphics/VT/library/TX library/subtitles/S&P/OAP: thank you!
Thanks for祈& Ta of welcoming breakfast, lunch and calls!
This is the second time I was picked out from a happy place by Tony!! The decision is even hard to make this time as I had a very bad expenience last time, and becoz, I was soooooo reluctant to leave cable when the situation had been changed at last!!!!!
Frankly, 3 days are not enough for me to unload cable stuff where I put my heart into!
Anyway, I have to move on, you all warm my heart and becomes a great solace to me while I'm lonely and weak here!!
Maybe here is my last battle field ga la...
感謝神竟然給我機會去學我先前擔心遺憾學不到的, 但神給我的, 超出我所想所求!!!
收到兩則短訊, 很sweet但坦白說很愕然, 我知我們很快再見, 多謝你給我的機會~
不會仔細的記得在cable發生的事, 但總括的感覺很愉快, 跟hkbn時差不多, 我會掛念你們~~
在cable工作了差一丁點一年的時光, 前幾天回想, 我真的沒有對自己身體好過, 其實是從上年八九月開始, 便沒有真正的休息. 一路都是不停的忙工事, 然後加上突如其來接著的 freelance(不過真的很吸引~),
有一刻我聽到我的身體說, 請對我好一點!
辜勿論怎樣捨不得cable的人和事, 今天我收工的時候確實有舒一口氣的感覺, 終於可以收工做哂所有野冇手尾跟~
有三天的假期 (好o野~), 因工作忙碌而早已放棄了我的朋友們都恰巧紛紛相約遊玩, 對不起, 我都一一婉拒了, 我真的想要一個休息的空間, 及陪伴我忽略以久的家人 (一路我都知道你們擔心了我自私了, sorry!)
「神為愛他的人所預備的、 是眼睛未曾看見、 耳朵未曾聽見、 人心也未曾想到的」哥林多前書2:9
感謝神竟然給我機會去學我先前擔心遺憾學不到的, 但神給我的, 超出我所想所求!!!
收到兩則短訊, 很sweet但坦白說很愕然, 我知我們很快再見, 多謝你給我的機會~
不會仔細的記得在cable發生的事, 但總括的感覺很愉快, 跟hkbn時差不多, 我會掛念你們~~
在cable工作了差一丁點一年的時光, 前幾天回想, 我真的沒有對自己身體好過, 其實是從上年八九月開始, 便沒有真正的休息. 一路都是不停的忙工事, 然後加上突如其來接著的 freelance(不過真的很吸引~),
有一刻我聽到我的身體說, 請對我好一點!
辜勿論怎樣捨不得cable的人和事, 今天我收工的時候確實有舒一口氣的感覺, 終於可以收工做哂所有野冇手尾跟~
有三天的假期 (好o野~), 因工作忙碌而早已放棄了我的朋友們都恰巧紛紛相約遊玩, 對不起, 我都一一婉拒了, 我真的想要一個休息的空間, 及陪伴我忽略以久的家人 (一路我都知道你們擔心了我自私了, sorry!)
「神為愛他的人所預備的、 是眼睛未曾看見、 耳朵未曾聽見、 人心也未曾想到的」哥林多前書2:9
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